Sticeri Adnabod Bin Ailgylchu - Recycle Bin Identification Stickers
Personoli eich Bin Ailgylchu gydag enw tŷ/rhif ymholwch yn y siop
neu e-bostiwch syniadau/cais i
Sticer wedi'i dorri o finyl, dim cefndir.
Lliwiau addas - Gwyn, Indrawn Melyn, Oren a Melyn fflwroleuol. (lliwiau eraill ar gael)
3 enw 30mm o daldra cymeriadau ffont beiddgar neis (cooper du) £9
Archebwch ar-lein, opsiwn codi yn y siop ar gael yn y drol.
Personalised your recycle bin with house name/number enquire in the shop
or email design/request to
Die cut vinyl, no background sticker.
Suitable colours - White, Maize Yellow, Orange & Fluorescent Yellow.
(other colours available)
Set of 3 names 30mm tall characters nice bold font (cooper black) £9
Order on line, pickup in shop option available in cart.