Sticeri Adnabod Bin Olwyn - Wheelie Bin Identification Stickers
Personoli eich bin olwynion gydag enw tŷ/rhif ymholi yn y siop
neu e-bostiwch syniadau/cais i
Amrhiw o liwiau ar gael - Du, Gwyn, Coch, Glas, Melyn, Oren, Gwyrdd, Chrome a Melyn Fflwroleuol.
Rhifau sengl £3, enw a Graffeg £5, graffeg fector o £10
Pris yn dibynnu ar faint a chymhlethdod, os yw'r ddelwedd a gyflenwir yn JPG PNG BMP bydd angen trosi i graffeg fector SVG
Chwiliwch ar y we am graffeg fector du a gwyn neu silwét am syniadau, gellir ei dorri mewn unrhyw finyl lliw sydd gennym mewn stoc, neu rannau gwahanol mewn lliwiau gwahanol.
Personalised your wheelie bin with house name/number enquire in the shop
or email design/request to
Multitude of colours available - Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, Chrome & Fluorescent Yellow.
Single numbers £3, name and Graphics £5, vector graphics from £10
Price dependant on size and complexity, if image supplied is JPG PNG BMP image will require conversion to vector graphics SVG
Search the web for black & white or silhouette vector graphics for ideas, can be cut in any colour vinyl we have in stock, or even different parts in different colours.