Nürburgring track - vinyl graphic
Wedi'i dorri o finyl sglein awyr agored premiwm 5-7+ mlynedd.
Yn addas ar gyfer unrhyw arwynebau Glân a Sych, Llyfn a Chaled fel paent cerbydau a gwydr, gliniaduron, consolau gemau, loceri, blychau offer, waliau, ffenestri ac ati.
Ar gael hefyd fel sticer wedi'i wrthdroi i'w roi ar y tu mewn i wydr.
Lliwiau amrywiol ar gael - rhagosodiad du os na nodir.
Gellir ei dorri i unrhyw faint rhwng 100mm a 600mm (lled rholyn finyl)
ebostiwch syniadau/cais i design@siopypost.co.uk
Cut from premium branded 5-7+ year outdoor gloss vinyl.
Suitable for any Clean & Dry, Smooth & Hard surfaces such as vehicle paintwork and glass, laptops, games consoles, lockers, toolboxes, walls, windows etc.
Also available as reversed sticker for application to the inside of glass.
Various colours available - Black default if not specified.
Can be cut to any size between 100mm to 600mm (vinyl roll width)
email design/request to design@siopypost.co.uk